Cmake glob
Cmake glob

If you want to see a complete example, check out my pico-dht11-lib project on Github. In the remainder of this article, I will show a concise example for each type. During building, you will have one and only one C file with a main() method, and the result will be named file.out

  • executable config: In directories in which you have executable code, you will put a config file that contains the directive add executable.
  • During the compilation process, you will product library files, which are typically named lib.a.
  • library config: Directories in which you just build a library, you will put a config file that includes the add_library directive.
  • This file needs to set essential config options, and it will list all additional directories that will be included when you execute CMake.
  • main config: The top-level directory includes the root CMake file.
  • cmake glob

    What appears confusing at first, but becomes clearer with experience, is that you need to place a file called CMakeLists.txt in your project root directory and in all subdirectories that contain source code.ĭepending on where you define them, these files have different roles, which I separate as follows: This is also done with the make command, and the Makefiles will include all the defined build options of your CMake configuration.


  • Building: You will also build executable files that link to your library code and/or external libraries.
  • Compiling: You will build your project using the make command, and this command uses Makefiles that were generated by CMake.
  • the directory with the root level cmake file. , where build is the output directory, and. You call it from the top-level directory with cmake -B build -S.
  • Configuring: CMake is the tool to configure your project.
  • Considering these steps, CMake has a distinguished role: This article originally appeared at my blog.ĬMake is the entry tool to configuring, compiling and building your project. This article is structured into essential "how to" questions, so you can easily skip to the part that you like to do. This article explains all you need to know about basic CMake, and after reading you should feel comfortable with configuring, compiling and building your projects. Turns out that this is quite a challenge! I could not find a good documentation of CMake essentials from the perspective of a new to C, new to Pico SDK developer. The test build should compile the library, link to the unit testing framework, and provide an executable that runs all test files with injected mock files. It is important to understand that the extension of your header file doesnt matter.

    cmake glob

    The example build should compile all examples, and link them with the Pico SDK and my library. Including header files in your code will allow you to compile the code. First, I wanted to have different types of build, like example and test. Yet, when developing my libraries, new features were required. In my first projects, I was happy to copy and paste the example files and tweak them.

    cmake glob

    When you work with the Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ SDK, you also need to understand the CMake build system that is used.

    Cmake glob